dream of an entrepreneur

A new business type

A commercial company that owes its origin to its social mission

The primary goal of this company is not “profit maximization”
for the benefit of the shareholders, but fulfillment of the social mission
thanks to the profit it makes.


This new business type now exists and is called VisaCare B.V. In recent years, steady work has been done on building the company and developing its products and services and putting them on the market. It concerns high-quality business services in the field of Information Technology.

VisaCare thus aims to contribute to reducing the complex bureaucratic procedures that plague the modern constitutional states. In 2020 VisaCare is ready to give concrete shape to the company’s social mission. The Pontem foundation aims to fulfill this mission


Pontem is the Latin word for “the bridge”. This name, the bridge, symbolizes connection, bridging gaping depths

Pontem Foundation is an extension of VisaCare B.V. The Pontem Foundation’s mission represents VisaCare’s social mission.


and directly connect commercially to social, profit to non-profit, right to injustice, rich to poor.

What’s new?

VisaCare owes its right to exist to their social mission. VisaCare is a company that is similar in appearance to any other commercially operating company, but differs fundamentally in that it actually has a complete social mission.

The primary goal of VisaCare is not profit maximization for the benefit of shareholders, but fulfillment of the social mission thanks to the profit it makes.

This new type of enterprise is a counterpart to the culture of corporate greed and is based on the conviction that the power that represents money is great and should be used to contribute to a better world.

VisaCare sees it as a challenge to bridge the gap between these two extremes and thus connect commercially directly with social, profit with non-profit, law with injustice and rich with poor.

relation between visacare and pontem

At present, the Dutch legal system does not yet provide an appropriate legal form to shape such a mission. That is why the Pontem Foundation was established.

This foundation is an extension of VisaCare B.V. The Pontem Foundation’s mission represents VisaCare’s social mission and vision.


The power that money represents is significant,
and it is our belief that this power should be used to contribute to a better world.